If your debit card is lost, misplaced or stolen, you can deactivate your card within online banking! If you have deactivated your card because it was misplaced and you later find your card, you can select the “Reactivate” button to activate the card and begin using the card immediately.
Desktop Users
Click on your name in the upper right side of your screen, “Banking Services”, and then “Deactivate / Reactivate My Card”.
Mobile Users
Click on the person icon in the upper right side of your screen, “Banking Services”, and then “Deactivate / Reactivate My Card”.
*Please note that you must report a stolen card or any unauthorized transactions that post to your account to Haverhill Bank by calling Customer Service at (978) 374-0161.
If you do not currently have a Haverhill Bank debit card, you can order one online.
Desktop/PC Users
Click on your name in the upper right side of your screen, “Banking Services”, select “Secure Forms”, and then select “Debit / ATM Card Application”. Verify the name to appear on the debit card, select the primary account for “Debit”, “ATM” and “Point of Sale” transactions and add a secondary account for ATM access only. Your card will be ordered within one business day from when Haverhill Bank receives your secure form request.
Mobile App Users
Click on the person icon in the upper right side of your screen, “Banking Services”, select “Secure Forms”, and then select “Debit / ATM Card Application”. Verify the name to appear on the debit card, select the primary account for “Debit”, “ATM” and “Point of Sale” transactions and add a secondary account for ATM access only. Your card will be ordered within one business day from when Haverhill Bank receives your secure form request.
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