I'm trying to log in to online banking but I'm not on the right website/page. What should I do?
Make sure you are going to: https://secure.myvirtualbranch.com/HaverhillBank2201/SignIn.aspx
I don’t see my picture/image. What should I do?
Stop and back up. Make sure you are entering the correct User ID. If it happens again, please contact us immediately.
I am receiving an error message saying - You've entered an invalid User ID/Password or your account access is restricted. Please try again or contact customer service at 978-374-0161.
You can try again, but after three tries, you will be locked out. Instead, you might want to click “Back,” then re-enter your User ID and click on “Forgot Password.” You will then be allowed to reset your password (you might need to answer security questions in order to do so).
I can’t log in. Should I click on “Sign Up?“
No, this is for new users only. If you are an existing user and you are locked out, doing so will create a duplicate user, which will complicate matters going forward.
I’m finished. Can I click on the “X” in the upper right-hand corner?
Sorry, but if you don’t click on “Log Out” (on the left-hand side, in the black toolbar) you might lock yourself out.